As of the 1st October 2024 ,Dr Killy & Partners will no longer be accepting ANY email prescription requests. This means our current email will no longer be active and as such, will be deactivated. We will also NOT be accepting them via our main email account
We ask patients continue to sign up and use online service apps (Such as NHS APP/SYSTM ONLINE/AIRMID ETC) As this is the fastest and easier way to order your prescriptions. Alternatively, you can submit paper slip repeat (given by your pharmacist) or handwritten slips in the red box at the surgery.
Please continue to order 7 days or less as the time frame has not changed and we still require 48 hours to turn repeats around, this is due to high demand on the service. The phone line remains open 9am-11am for patients to call and speak to the prescription clerk on 01376 337272 option 3. Please also note we do not take over the phone ordering.
We are notifying patients now as we can appreciate it will take time to get everything in order for patient’s to be able to submit their repeats by a method that suits them best. The NHS app and online services apps are very easy to work and convenient and we will attach further information in due course to help support this transition.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Kind regards
Dr Killy & Partners
As from the 1st March 2022, Dr Killy & Partners will no longer accept repeat prescription requests from a third party pharmacy on your behalf i.e. from all community and online pharmacies. Therefore, moving forward, you the patient will be responsible for and able to order your prescription medication directly through the surgery, you can do this by:
* Signing up to our online services
* Place your repeat prescription in the prescription box near reception
If you already have a nominated pharmacy on your record, the prescription request will still go electronically to them (You do not need to collect from the surgery).
You, a relative or carer will be able to order your repeat prescription no more than 7 days before you are due to run out of your medication, this will ensure the surgery processes your request in time. The simplest way to order your repeat medication is via our online ordering system: ‘SystmOnline’ or the 'NHS' app. Once signed up, you can order your medication from any computer, smart phone or tablet. If you would like to sign up to the online ordering service, please visit the surgery and speak to reception. Or by downloading one of the apps from your online phone stoor. If you do have access to the internet, you (or a relative / carer) can either post your repeat slip to us at the above address or place in the box near reception.
Please note that we DO NOT take repeat requests over the phone
Please note that this change does not apply if you are on blister packs/dosette boxes (Your chosen Pharmacy orders for you) or are referred to an Appliance Contractor, your pharmacy/contractor can continue to order your medication on your behalf.
Another way to obtain your medication is via the electronic repeat dispensing service. If you regularly get a prescription for the same medicine(s), this service is of benefit to you. Your doctor will give your chosen pharmacy permission to dispense a series of prescriptions for you. This means you or your pharmacy do not need to arrange repeat prescriptions; you can go straight to your chosen pharmacy to collect when you are next due.
By using the electronic repeat dispensing service, you will save time for you and your GP practice and also help cut NHS spending by processing fewer paper prescriptions. If you would like to find out whether you are eligible for the electronic repeat dispensing service, please call the surgery. Alternatively, the service may be offered to you when you next have a review at the surgery.
Please note that electronic repeat dispensing is not suitable for everyone, for example if you take controlled medication. If you are eligible, the number of repeat prescriptions will be determined by how frequently your doctor requests that you have a medication review (usually every 12 months).
The surgery has the support of Mid-Essex Clinical Commissioning Group with this initiative. We hope that you will work with us to improve patient safety and reduce waste of medication and resources. Enclosed are some frequently asked questions, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.